Is our global pandemic making us nicer?
As I’ve been trundling up and down the middle of the side streets of my neighbourhood, I can’t help notice something. People – including me – are saying hi to each other, and asking how each other are. It sounds like we might even care about the answer.
On yesterday’s run, a woman with a small dog opened a chain link gate and scurried away from me into a yard as I drew even. As I watched, she turned to me and said with no small amount of disbelief, “He pooped through the fence!”
It wasn’t her yard! I replied, “I thought you were trying to get away from me!” We both had a laugh and wished each other a good day.
In the old normal, we would have gone our separate ways like two repelling magnetic fields. Today, there is a pull. A pull to get outside of ourselves and connect.
I’m starting to wonder about the many side effects of our global pandemic. Is it just me? Because it seems we are becoming nicer.