I’ve had a few people ask me about what it’s been like to begin blogging daily, aka Laura’s Daily Letters. Here’s my attempt to help by answering some of these questions:
“What have been the pros and cons, though, of doing this, and would you have any quick tips for someone just starting out (technical, psychological, whatever)? Specifically, if you were to start it now (like me), how would you approach it, and what is one thing you would be sure to do similarly and/or different?”
Three things I would do exactly the same:
1. I created an environment that supports me:
Nothing about this has been perfect before I’ve shipped it out. But I designed an environment where it’s more likely that I’ll be able to deliver.
I’ve upgraded and cleaned up my technology to minimize distraction. My laptop is up to date, notifications are turned off, my writing software is syncing to all my devices, added an iPad to be more portable. My Dropbox is cleaned up. I’ve been able to create more ease and become more productive as a result.
2. I just started:
I knew I needed to begin. I don’t know how I knew. I just knew. And so I started. It’s hilarious now, because I had no idea that something was going to show up to help me with keeping up the writing pace.
There is something I know I want to shift about it. Having the public accountability has been helpful, but it’s also been stressful. I’ve been really revved up about it, by this I mean adrenal fatiguing levels of restlessness. “Got to get it done” has been the inner soundtrack of my mind. After six weeks, I feel ready to shift to “I get to get it done” and put the focus more on service.
3. Act, Analyze, Adjust
Nothing about this has been perfect before I’ve shipped it out. I tweaked one thing almost every day at the beginning, and now each week. The email template to my list, the format for the blog on my site. If anyone has been paying attention (which I doubt!), they’d see the fonts changing, the graphics evolving.
What would I do differently?
I would have started sooner.
What’s my goal right now?
Get a few days ahead to alleviate some of the pressure. It’s proving more challenging than I thought. Remember that I’m in a process and forgive myself if I miss a day or two. It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
How about you?
Is there something you “just know” you are going to begin?