Perspective is a core principal in photography. You want to lead the observer into the frame. Leading lines are one of the best ways to do that.
Context is a core principle in storytelling. When you provide enough context, the listener goes on the journey with you.
I was writing quite a lot about context the past 24 hours. I needed a synonym and turned to a thesaurus. “Frame of reference” is a synonym for context.
I thought that was as interesting as it is circular. Every picture tells a story and every story needs a frame.
Before I sign off on the Daily Letter for the first Friday of January. For as long as I can remember, every first week of the new year has been weird. I’m not talking about politics, the pandemic, or the news. I’m referring to what it’s like to have “New year, new something-or-other” ingrained in us by the overculture, especially in North America.
So if your week has been weird – practically, energetically, or emotionally – a little context and perspective says chances are, it’s not down to you.
Enjoy what I’ve framed for you today.
And have a restful weekend.