Rushing puts us in a state of disconnection from our inner wisdom.
And here’s the kicker! We do it to ourselves. We crowd our schedule, try to do too much, or force that last thing in before we leave.
We become more impatient, distracted, and reactive. We remember less, notice less and listen less. Rushing robs us of our true power.
This is when the keys inevitably go missing. (Because they didn’t go back in their drawer, because we rushed on to the next thing.)
This is how a walk turns from a pleasant act of self care into a stressful hot mess.
If we ask the self care question,
“What is the kindest and most compassionate thing I can do for myself right now?”
“Rush!” is never the answer.
Let’s all stop rushing. We can allow ourselves to slow down, take a deep breath, and power up.
PS. Can you tell I’ve caught myself rushing lately? 😉 How about you?