I didn’t know how to begin again. The mountain became insurmountable.
Somewhere in the early days of summer I gave myself permission to take a break from this Daily Letter while I wrote a memoir.
At first being quiet online was restful and allowed greater focus. The break extended into a hiatus. And then came a tipping point, when resuming became an increasingly difficult mountain to climb.
I didn’t know how to begin again. The mountain became insurmountable.
I laugh at myself, wondering if while I’ve been hung up on how to resume, if anyone noticed I had stopped? The question isn’t personal, nor is the answer. It’s the measure of whether what came before mattered.
While writing my memoir, my inner guidance has been kicking up, nudging me to share work everywhere that is more personal. More expressive and creative. Less formulaic. Insisting I let go of “the made-up rules.”
So here we are, on a day that has always felt like the real new year. A day, that if I let it slip by without posting, will exponentially increase the size of this mountain.
The work is to trust the process and share what’s on my mind, in my heart, and being seen by my eyes. To take one step at a time and make the mountain surmountable.
I wonder if you’re feeling that way about moving forward too.
Until tomorrow,

📷 Today’s accompanying image is from Joffre Lakes, northeast of Pemberton, BC, a mountain hike the guidebook said was “moderate.” That was before I understood that moderate means something different in British Columbia. So yes, it was messy! With plenty of sweat and f-bombs along the way. And 100% worth the effort.