It’s taken five months to build the writing muscles for my memoir.
I established my writing habit in the first run of Seth Godin’s The Creative’s Workshop. The experience of writing in and for a community – throughout the pandemic – has been a game-changer. It’s changed my outlook on coaching, how to have an impact, and how we thrive in community and shrink in isolation.
The effects of 2020 so far have been huge. I’ve been shown how I want to live, work, and create from here on in.
Letting other people read what I’m writing – while it’s in still in process – is a big step.
To that end, I just shared my first piece of writing in my new Patreon Community.
If you’re wondering what Patreon is, it’s a membership website where Patrons support Creators. Some Creators keep publishing their free content and rely on their patronage to keep going. Others share behind-the-scenes content, or works in progress. Others, like me, do both.
The Free Your Inner Guru Podcast and these articles will remain public. Patrons will receive updates of my memoir in progress.
The piece I shared on Patreon this morning is about my first glimpse of Sedona in 2001.
Writing about the moment in October 2001 when two of my friends and I rounded “the curve” on Hwy 179 in Arizona brought back all kinds of memories. We were traveling three weeks after 9/11. That in and of itself is another story worth writing. Ironically, travel is as shut down now as it was then.
The piece is either the beginning of a chapter called Sedona, or a part of sharing what my life was like before 2009. I’m not sure yet, but I’m leaning towards a Sedona chapter. One thing is certain. Sedona, where I have lived every range of human experience and emotion, has become integral to my story.
People who know a lot more about memoir writing than I do keep saying, “It doesn’t matter! You don’t need to know where it all fits yet! Just keep writing!”
So that’s what I’m doing. Writing every day.
If you’d like join me on this writing journey, you can become a Patron here.
📷 First Glimpse of Sedona, Highway 179, Arizona, October 2001