Once you learn that your environment always wins over your willpower, your approach to life and business will be changed forever.
I used to think the three part formula for success was:
- having defined goals
- being disciplined in my habits and
- mustering up my willpower as needed.
It’s easy to attribute success to these three virtues when things are going smoothly. But when life threw me a big curveball, I experienced how critical it is to have each of my environments lined up so I could get unstuck.
Three reasons your environment always wins:
- Your conscious mind and your unconscious mind are always being influenced by the people, places, thoughts and feelings that are present in your environment. You are either being pulled forward or being held back. There is no staying the same because the world around you is always changing.
- Your beliefs are signs of how you have adapted to your environment over time. Becoming aware of your beliefs will give you clues as to how your environments have affected you in the past. This is equally true of your empowering beliefs and your limiting beliefs.
- You have a two-way relationship with everything and everyone that makes up your environment. As much as your environment is always influencing you, you are constantly creating the world around you to be a reflection of yourself.
This is good news because it means you can upgrade any of your environments any time you like! Nothing is too small and everything counts.
Look at where you live and work, who you spend time with, how you spend your leisure time. Are they consistent with who you want to become and what you want to accomplish? Or, are they full of tolerations?
These environments can be upgraded to help get you unstuck:
Creative Outlet
Physical Environment
Business and Finances
Most people don’t have consistent access to the energy required for willpower.
Willpower is like oil – it is a non-renewable resource. If your environment is not aligned with the outcomes you desire, it’s not enough to rely on willpower. You will require a super-human effort to achieve and sustain results. Your true power is accessed by consciously designing your environments. If you want to get unstuck, it’s time to get your environment on your team.