Growth is easy when things are going smoothly, but there’s a gritty side we don’t often share.
Instead of an insta-perfect glow, my growth arrived today with bags under my eyes and clammy palms. Doing the inner work to keep my fears at bay feels like swimming in deep, icy water.
How can you tell if this fear is something to move through, or a signal of real challenge or danger?
It helps to take a step back, and take in the larger view. When I’m uncertain, I take a breath and move forward one step at a time.
I speak truthfully and set clear boundaries, especially when it’s uncomfortable.
And all along, I pay attention to how it all feels.
I ask myself 2 questions:
1. Is it possible some greater good will come out of it?
2. Even though it’s hard right now, could it serve me in the end?
If I know in my heart it’s a “Yes,” I have faith, dive in, and move forward.