It’s the beginning of the new year. The resolution races have begun.
New year, new you! Better you! Slimmer you! Richer you! Younger you!?!??
How about this year we choose Sustainable You! instead.
The results of a sustainable you are very different:
- Less frantic, more grounded.
- Less disruption, more flow.
- Less stress, more growth.
- Less overwhelm, more calm.
- Fewer shiny objects, more results.
- Less fear, more love.
No one sets out to intentionally create frantic, disrupted, stress-out, overwhelmed, fearful people chasing shiny objects, do they? Ummm… of course they do.
In today’s world, it’s an act of self care to choose a more grounded, calm, deliberate, loving approach to your growth.
Remember Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare?
The hare is full of excitement, natural talent and overconfidence. The tortoise perseveres and, slow and steady, wins the race.
What is possible?
Instead of a sprint to instant results, and oxygen deficit, what would be possible if you treat your life like a marathon where slow and steady is more good enough?
Start like the patient, wise and powerful turtle. Who knows what distance you’ll cover?