“You become what you practice.”
That little tidbit from my inner voice greeted me when I opened my eyes this morning. It didn’t take long to recognize its truth.
When I ran most days, I became a runner. When I used my camera most days, I became a photographer. When I taught every day, I became a teacher. When I coached most days, I became a coach. When I go to yoga most days, I’m becoming… I’m sure there’s a word!
I wrote about my morning routine a few days ago. Instead of shoulding myself all day, about not writing, I’ve made space after brushing my teeth to sit and put in the work.
My time is limited and I’ve not allowed any distractions. This isn’t perfect, but it’s pouring out compared to the half a dozen false starts I made yesterday.
It takes time make space and adapt to a new thing, especially in the beginning. Everything takes longer, requires more energy, and feels awkward. But it feels better than not following through!
You can trust in keeping your commitment. By making space for the practice, you are in the process of becoming it.